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Bakels Alpine White Mud Mix Recipe

Bakels Alpine White Cake is a lovely white mud cake that is perfect for the person that loves a nice white chocolate flavour throughout the cake. 


The Alpine White Mud Cake requires you to add 300g of white chocolate to the mix. The added chocolate does add some time to the baking however the end result is worth it! For some added flavour, you can add some white rum or white spirit to the mix. This is optional.

Recipe type: Cake  Mud Cake 
8" Round x 4" High Cake
Group 1

1Kg Bakels Crème Cake Muffin Mix

300g Eggs (approx. 5 x 60g eggs)

400g Water

50g Rum (optional)


Group 2

300g White Chocolate

200g Vegetable Oil

  1. Place Group 1 ingredients in mixing bowl

  2. Blend together on low speed for 1 minute

  3. Scrape down

  4. Blend on 2nd speed for 2 minutes

  5. Scrape down

  6. Melt Group 2 ingredients in double saucepan, allow to cool, then add to Group 1 and blend on 2nd speed for 1 minute

  7. Grease pan with Bakels Sprink

  8. If using two pans, pour half of the batter in each pan

  9. Bake in oven on 150 degrees for approximately 1¼ to 1½ hours

  10. Remove from oven

  11. To enhance the flavour generously brush the top of hot cake with a wash made of equal parts of sugar syrup and white rum

  12. Allow to cool in pan for 30 minutes

  13. Remove from pan and refrigerate until ready to use.


Be careful not to overcook, cooking for longer at a lower temperature can help with this.


Cooking times vary for larger tins and cooking times vary with ovens.


Always grease & paper line tins.

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